A distance of 2 metres must be maintained at all times between people who do not live at the same address. Quebec tightens COVID-19 restrictions in Montreal two weeks after easing them. In the event of a fire in an RPA, in an RI for seniors with 20 or more residents or in a CHSLD, additional measures must be put in place during the evacuation and at the gathering point (PDF 56 KB)   to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Last update: Optional courses may take place through distance education or in person, provided that a distance of 2 metres is maintained at all times between students who are not from the same stable class group. Quebec is reporting 1,535 new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday and five more virus-related deaths.Two of those deaths happened in the last 24 hours. during some educational activities that involve singing, playing wind instruments, theatre or physical activity. Top COVID-19 stories today Quebec suspends giving doses of AstraZeneca to those under 55, though no issues reported in Canada Quebec has entered 3rd … Training for individuals responsible for the safety of participants engaging in activities is permitted (e.g. Visitors and informal caregivers are not allowed in the dining room. Situation in private seniors' residences (RPA) (PDF 121 Kb) (in French only), Situation in CHSLD (PDF 118 Kb) (in French only). School daycare services are organized based on the principle of stable class groups or, if necessary, by creating subgroups and following the physical distancing guidelines. 1 informal caregiver who is known to and has been identified by the facility per day. The same caregiver who is known and identified may visit their loved one more than once during the same day depending on the appointment made with the facility. Educational childcare establishments will be closed only if the public health authority declares an outbreak in the establishment. Anyone who refuses to provide this information will not be allowed to enter the facility. April 16, 2021. If you have questions concerning your health status, consult a professional. Source: Preliminary transmissions by MED-ÉCHO, data reported by hospitals on  4 p.m. The institution will have to monitor the RPA closely and the situation will be reassessed regularly. This table shows data currently available for the period of April 11 to April 17, 2021. Outings to attend gatherings are not allowed. To find out the alert level in your region, consult the Map of COVID-19 alert levels by region. This individual should be counted among the maximum number of people allowed per group. The Gouvernement du Québec has made public the report from the Canadian Armed Forces, resulting from their presence in the long-term care facilities (CHSLD’s). Locker rooms must remain closed and access to lockers is not permitted. Each institution is responsible for implementing measures for monitoring and controlling on‑campus traffic, and for ensuring that the current health guidelines are respected. Drugstores are allowed to sell only medication and essential products such as pharmaceutical, hygienic, sanitary products or offer a professional service. Return to the first reference of note no.4, Number of active hospitalizations per hospital center (in French only) (PDF 257 Kb). The Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux must be informed by the institution’s CEO of any requests accepted and their duration. The use of personal equipment is still the preferred option. This information may be useful to regional public health authorities if you or one of your guests is diagnosed with COVID‑19 in the days after the visit. Students eat lunch with their stable class group. Open only for services that require an individual’s presence. Do not go out for a walk. RPAs where most residents were vaccinated at least 28 days previously. MONTREAL — Less than two weeks after easing restrictions, Quebec is … The centre or institution will provide each student with two procedural masks per day. Quebec’s Director of Public Health, Dr. Horacio Arruda, says “a lot goes in to reducing red zones to orange,” mentioning active COVID-19 cases, hospital availability, and population size. The wearing of a surgical mask is mandatory and there cannot be more than 250 people per auditorium. Restriction on the number of people admitted to commercial enterprises subject to the Act respecting hours and days of admission to commercial establishments (CQLR, chapter H-2.1), especially retail and food stores, drugstores, and outlets of the Société des alcools du Québec. The daily death toll is influenced by the time required for the physician to report the death, the time required to complete the investigation to confirm that the death was attributable to COVID-19, and the entry into the system. The facility is asked to encourage visits by informal caregivers. For more information, see the page Projections des impacts d’une reprise progressive des activités économiques, sociales et cliniques  (in French only) on the website of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec. Cumulative data. The results presented in the following tables refer to the person's living environment. When this is not possible, staff must wear personal protective equipment (PPE). However, student attendance in labs or classrooms for practical training on specific equipment is permitted should a program or the competencies to be developed so require. Go to the measures in force in your municipality to find out the specific instructions for your region. Quebec reported 853 new cases of COVID-19 and 17 more deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus, including two that occurred in the past 24 hours. Preschoolers are not required to wear a procedural mask or face covering. In addition, COVID-19 screening for all travellers is being introduced gradually. At outdoor sites with controlled access, the number of visitors permitted must be managed. Educational childcare establishments (daycare centres) and family services. In other words, if a resident is currently hospitalized in a hospital center, the latter will be counted in the result of his place of residence. Distance education must be favoured. Indoors: Individuals, groups of two and members of the same household are permitted to engage in indoor, contact-free activities limited to sports carried out in pools, skating rinks and facilities for playing tennis and badminton. Analyzes carried out on April 14, 2021: 45,640. A distance of at least two metres is maintained between people, even when they stay in their seat and do not move about, unless they are from the same private home or the equivalent. A distance of 2 metres must be maintained between the teacher and the students. Meals may not be taken in the dining room in RPAs where people have not been vaccinated or were vaccinated less than 28 days previously. Family community organizations (FCOs) and community drop-in daycare centres can also continue to offer services. Now that March Break is over, Quebec’s eased COVID-19 restrictions will go into effect across most of the province on Monday. All employees of businesses, organizations or the public administration who perform administrative tasks or office work must continue to perform such tasks through teleworking in their private homes or the equivalent, except for employees whose presence is essential for the pursuit of the activities of the business, the organization, or the public administration. If this is not possible, a 2-metre distance between students from different stable class groups must be maintained at all times, and the health guidelines must be strictly followed. Private lessons at home are allowed only if they are given to members of the same household in accordance with the health guidelines in force. TORONTO - Ontario could announce new public health restrictions today to curb surging cases of COVID-19 which are straining hospital capacity. Group activities for pedagogical purposes are not recommended. This instruction applies to all visitors over 2 years of age, both indoors and outdoors. See the sports and recreation section for more information. Children do not lose their places if they do not attend. To reduce the number of people in the dining room at the same time, several services for the same meal must be offered to residents. However, participants in training activities must strictly respect the physical distancing guidelines and the protocols that have been developed. Local evaluations can also take place at a distance, but ministerial exams must take place in person at the centres, following public health guidelines. MONTREAL - Quebec is shutting down most businesses and all primary and secondary schools until at least Jan. 11, as authorities try to get a handle on a second wave of COVID … Place of worship are limited to 25 participants. Consult the Number of confirmed cases of variants by sequencing, with enhanced surveillance, by region  (in French only) on the INSPQ website. Level 4–Maximum Alert includes targeted and additional more restrictive measures that could extend to prohibiting non-essential activities in situations where risk cannot be sufficiently contained, while avoiding the generalized confinement that was experienced during the first wave of the pandemic as much as possible. A plexiglass partition can be placed in the middle of a small table so that 2 people can sit at the table without having to respect physical distancing. There is no charge for meal delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. No competitions or spectators are allowed. Physical fitness centres (gyms) are closed. This person must be present and be employed or designated by the owner of the facility. To find out who is exempt from wearing a mask, go to the page  Wearing a mask or face covering in public settings in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The added measures include a … They might accept these too, or they might not. Special emergency measures will apply until April 25, 2021 inclusively in the Communauté métropolitaine de Québec and on these regions : Outaouais, Chaudière-Appalaches. To find out about the types of assistance and resources available, go to the Conjugal violence page. Note that the majority of data are presented according to the day they were entered. trained and already familiar with the infection prevention and control measures that must be applied; identified by the user or the resident of the facility. A procedure mask must be worn at all times. As much as possible, the schedule for services should be adjusted to take curfew hours into account. Please do not enter any personal information in this field. Broader police interventions Offence reports and fines are issued to individuals who fail to comply with the measures, Last update: Quebec also moved to limit travel to and from the regions less affected by COVID-19. Canadians largely accepted the restrictions that came with the first wave. The data come from the province’s 72 school service centres or school boards. ET on Thursday in the three regions: Please send us your observations and help us improve the Québec.ca website. Source: TSP, MSSS (Updated on April 15, 2021 at 4 p.m.) Note: A total of 101 deaths does not appear on the graph because the date of death is missing. Classes or supervision can be offered to individuals or to the occupants of the same private residence. The wearing of a surgical mask is mandatory and there cannot be more than 250 people per screen. The 100 missing doses will be delivered next week. Be informal caregivers known to the facility, i.e., people who are. Respect the curfew. Reservations are mandatory and a customer register must be kept. Please activate JavaScript to fill out the application. Shows are allowed in this type of establishment, but no alcohol or meals can be served. Community social pediatrics centres can continue to offer services. Students must also wear a procedural mask when they are sitting in the classroom even if they are 2 metres apart. If students are less than 2 metres apart, even if there are partitions, they must wear a procedural mask. Restaurants in tourist accommodation establishments must remain closed (meal delivery to rooms and take-out orders are permitted). Open, in compliance with the measures in force. Do not go to school or work or to an early childhood or daycare centre, or any other publicplace, such as a store. in RPAs where the operator shares their place of residence with residents; for residents who require supervision or assistance with feeding; for residents in a health care unit, when the bubble concept can be applied; for residents who live in unfurnished rental units where meals can be taken in an appropriate and safe manner. The area in which activities take place must be supervised at all times by at least one person. All school staff must wear a procedural mask at all times in common areas, both indoors and outdoors. 1,527 new cases, bringing the total number of people infected to 334,071; 7 new deaths, for a total of 10,785 deaths: 664 hospitalizations, for an increase of 3; 167 people in intensive care, for an increase of 8; 74,927 doses of vaccine administered in the last 24 hours, for a total of 2,223,775; 176,300 of the 176,400 doses of Moderna expected this week were delivered in the regions. Open, in compliance with the measures in force for museum institutes, biodomes, planetariums, insectariums, botanical gardens, aquariums, zoos and walkthroughs. However, they will be prohibited starting from April 12, 2021. You can also consult the document Evolution and projection of the number of active hospitalizations of people infected with COVID‑19 in Quebec (PDF 105 Kb) (in French only). Only residents at the same address may occupy a unit in a tourist accommodation establishment. Service stations remain open on the same schedule as asual. No food or drink may be consumed in the auditoriums and spectators must remain seated. These facilities must be supervised. Buffet-style meals and salad or dessert bars must be removed. Different alert levels are in force in Québec. They must keep 2 metres apart in all other situations. The new restrictions, announced after Quebec reported 750 new coronavirus cases today, are set to last for 28 days (until Oct. 28) in the red zones. At a time when the authorities are considering a gradual resumption of economic, social and clinical activities, the experts looked into the impacts it could have on the trajectory of the pandemic and on the resources to cope with it. During meals, procedural masks can be removed when students are sitting down and ready to eat. Extracurricular activities are prohibited. An exception is, however, made for essential travel by the following people: A person who is in a region at the orange or red alert level for a reason other than those listed above and who must return to their principal residence in a region at the green or yellow alert level must self-isolate for 14 days. Internships can continue as planned in workplaces that are capable of welcoming students. As of April 12, extracurricular activities are prohibited. Demonstrations are permitted but wearing masks or face covers is always mandatory. People can remove it while drinking or eating and then put it back on. Informal caregivers who are known to the community must be encouraged to visit. Consult the health measures that apply in your region, Distribution of confirmed cases by age group, Active and completed outbreaks by environment, Number of samples, analyzes carried out and negative cases, Situation in living environments for the elderly and vulnerable, Number of confirmed cases of variants by sequencing, with enhanced surveillance, by region, Number of active hospitalizations per hospital center (in French only), Situation in private seniors' residences (RPA), Observations sur les centres d’hébergement de soins longue durée, Highlights - Public and Private School Systems, List of schools - Public and Private School Systems, questions and answers regarding detainees and offenders in the context of COVID-19, Projections des impacts d’une reprise progressive des activités économiques, sociales et cliniques, Evolution and projection of the number of active hospitalizations of people infected with COVID‑19 in Quebec, Risque d’hospitalisation et projections des besoins hospitaliers (in French only), presentation – October 16, 2020 (in French only) of Institut national de santé publique (INSPQ), Agriculture, environment and natural resources. A procedural mask must be worn at all times in centres and in private educational institutions, as well as on any grounds they share with secondary schools. A screening test will be performed at the airport prior to boarding, and 7 days after arrival in Nunavik. The Government is taking all the necessary measures to contain the contagion as much as possible. As of today, most people living in orange and red zones are prohibited from travelling to … The following 10 regions will remain in red zones: However, in the school environment or during school activities such as outings or extracurricular activities, masks or face covers may be required. This is also the case for ongoing training offered by services to businesses. Intramural activities are permitted, before and after classes and during lunch hour, but only within the same class group. Cinemas must ensure that spectators who do not live at the same address maintain a distance of 2 m between seats. Special pedagogical projects can continue as long as the principle of stable class groups is respected. Please activate JavaScript to fill out the application. Services stations are allowed to sell only food, non-alcoholic drinks, fuel and products for road vehicles. A single person, with their children, if any, can join the occupants from one other address to form a stable group and stay in the same unit. Note that 41,460 doses of AstraZeneca that were received last week are still in transit through the health and social services network. Relationships between people and their loved ones must also be maintained and increased as lockdown restrictions are eased either virtually or through telephone calls. The … 1: The most recent daily data on samples and analyzes carried out are confirmed in the days following the transmission of the data. The latest data of the evolution of COVID‑19 over the past 24 hours in Québec reveal: It is also possible to consult the Dashboard of the situation in Québec (JPG 272 Kb). From 9:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning for all regions at Level 4 – Maximum Alert (red zone), except the regions of Montréal (island of Montréal) and Laval (Ville de Laval), where the curfew will be in effect from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. Police officers continue to ensure compliance with health measures and can intervene when individuals are outside their homes during curfew hours. Avoid touching your face. Travelling to yellow zones is not permitted. Consult the health measures that apply in your region for more details. Quebec is bringing back an 8 p.m. curfew in the Montreal area and extending a lockdown order in three cities and one region as it tightens COVID-19 restrictions … Organizers must provide the necessary documentation to participants and employees if activities require travel during curfew hours. Childcare fees remain in effect and must be paid by the parents, whether or not their child attends. Dining rooms that stay closed will be reopened gradually as the 28-day time period is reached. You can also consult all the information on COVID-19. Home childcare providers can receive the regular number of children indicated on their current recognition document. March 26, 2021. The regional alert system with progressive intervention criteria defines additional measures to be taken as needed to ensure public safety in each of Québec’s socio-health regions. If you are a victim of conjugal violence or if you know someone who is, help and resources are available to you. Coronavirus restrictions in Montreal and Quebec (updated April 8, 2021) Back to video For private businesses, this list says what is authorized to open, … If you have questions concerning your health status, consult a professional. Individuals who offer classes or provide supervision must observe physical distancing and wear the protective equipment that CNESST rules prescribe. Quebec also moved to limit travel to and from the regions less affected by COVID-19. Cinemas must ensure that spectators who do not live at the same address maintain a distance of 2 m between seats. Here is an overview of the situation in Québec schools. To enable individuals who are travelling during the curfew because of their work to readily demonstrate that such travel is legitimate, employers are asked to complete the Employer Attestation Concerning Travel During the Curfew Decreed by the Gouvernement du Québec. lifeguard or ski patrol training). This other person must always be the same person. In other words, service stations are not authorized to sell tobacco products or alcoholic products during the curfew. Source: TSP, MSSS, April 15, 2021, 4 p.m. Only informal caregivers from neighbouring territories are allowed to travel. To comply with the 9:30 p.m. curfew, all commercial enterprises must close their doors not later than 9 p.m. It should also be noted that the data prior to those of the last 24 hours presented in the column Deaths have been adjusted according to the actual dates of death. The rules that apply to shows must be respected. In-person extracurricular activities and educational field trips are permitted, provided the health guidelines in force are respected. The indoor areas of spas must close, except for pools and personal care services. Teleworking is mandatory when possible and shifts must be adjusted to limit the staff present at any time on production and construction sites. For additional information regarding projections for hospitalizations, see the Risque d’hospitalisation et projections des besoins hospitaliers (in French only)  page on the website of the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) and the presentation – October 16, 2020 (in French only) of Institut national de santé publique (INSPQ) . Students are required to wear a procedural mask at all times, except: Support services for students are provided in person for the only the most urgent situations, while respecting the health guidelines that are in force. Pools located in hotels can reopen, but entertainment centres and recreation centres, as well as facilities for bowling, billiards and darts must remain closed. This explains the variation of some data compared to those presented in previous press releases. Outdoors: Contact-free sports and recreational activities are permitted outdoors in public places with members of the same household or in groups of up to 8 people from different households. Washrooms are also open (toilets, sinks). Dining rooms are closed Delivery, takeout, and drive-through orders only. 1 person per household recommended Delivery services and help from loved ones preferred for people at high risk of complications. Offenders are liable to fines ranging from $1 000 to $6 000 if they are unable to adequately justify why they are outside the home. Research activities, internships and laboratory work can continue, provided the applicable health guidelines are respected. Residents must be supervised when they are moving around to ensure they are wearing a mask (medical mask or face covering depending on the current directive), are maintaining a distance of 2 metres and avoiding gatherings, for example at the elevator or outside the dining room. 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