If they can’t crack God’s chromosome code and hack into eternal life, whether through medicine, bio engineering, or uploading consciousness onto a mainframe – then their comeuppance will be had through making our lives that much shorter, that much more miserable. Teaching about Anger 21 “You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every three Americans – or an estimated seventy million people! We are the children of God, the seekers of truth, and those capable of endless forgiveness. But we do not forget. "[It's] a powerful and healthy force in your life." She wants to tell us that she’s also a Satanic witch of some kind. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’ # 5:21 Exod 20:13; Deut 5:17. At the same time, we can’t be drug down in impossible criteria of proof that exceed what would constitute evidence in a standard legal case. The 10th-century kingdom of Goryeo succeeded Goguryeo, and thus inherited its name, which was pronounced by the visiting Persian merchants as "Korea". Contrary to popular belief, evil is a weak force in the world. Understanding the Sociopath: Cause, Motivation, Relationship The sociopath remains largely misunderstood. Here’s why: The story starts with J Pop Group CHAM, Which has spent the last two years being a top-notch idol group.Unfortunately, it is coming to an end as one of the key members, Mima Kirigoe is leaving the idol industry to chase her acting career. We’ll know the liars and the fools who try to deny this isn’t an upside-down cross, or that such a symbol isn’t necessarily satanic. Certainly there are some real empirical data, but even more circumstantial data. Most of us are actually skeptical people, and so we really want to double-check these things and make sure we aren’t engaging in any kind of confirmation bias. And then within a matter of days, I had been thrust into a marathon of stained clothes, sleep deprivation, and blown eardrums. But that didn’t mean that Melinda Gates was necessarily herself a Satanist (et al), did it? All the thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions that I experienced when I was still alive were presented before me. Hey, also take a look at her general countenance. Flores has twenty years experience in community, labor, and anti-war organizing. From pizzagate, the wikileaks drop on Clinton and Podesta, on through Epstein, the Guccifer 2.0 drop from James Alefanti’s InstaGram account, and more. Dark Anime : The Most Twisted Anime ever to air! Are you letting obstacles and challenges get in the way, blocking you from achieving your goal? Wells’ ‘The Shape of Things…, For MLK’s 92nd Anniversary: Great Speeches to Strengthen…, The Empire Doubles Down: Open Society Foundations Will Now…, The British Hand Behind America’s Color Revolution:…, The Emirate Hybrid-Warfare and Regime Change Plans against…, COVID-19 Could Drive Half a Billion People Into Poverty…, The Khaleeji Intervention in Africa’s Horn-Devastating…, Russian warship to conduct naval exercises with China and…. Mom Says: March 24th, 2021 at 5:28 pm. The public reaction makes her a victim – we saw how the NYT covered the public response to Abramovic. They really want to troll half the American population hard, to cause more divisiveness. Joaquin Flores is Editor-in-Chief of Fort Russ News, as well as the Director of the Belgrade based think-tank, the Center for Syncretic Studies. Unforgotten theme song: Hidden meaning in the song and title sequence. For whatever reason, I really wanted to be wrong about what my eyes first saw. New NORAD Warfare Strategies and Canada’s Role in the Great Game Revisited, Joe Biden and the Revenge of the Behaviorists (Why Statistical Thinking Can Get You Killed), Xi and Putin Stand Up for Humanity at Davos: Closed vs Open System Ideologies Clash Again, How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed, She forgot to take it off – not likely though, seems this is a prominently displayed piece there for a reason, which is our real question. Meet Cameron Boggs, founder and guitarist of brutal death metal upstarts Sanguisugabogg and obsessor over Metallica's divisive 2003 album, St. Anger.. translators. That ridicule is also intended to divide, and lead towards a cycle of divide and conquer. In the meantime stay in touch in whatever way (email, text, phone) to tell her you love her. We sometimes need help turning our frown upside down (or you, know getting out of bed). Open Translation Project. © Center for Syncretic Studies 2014 - 2021 - Fort Russ. Radical love. Evil is such a weak force in the world that the primary effort of social media, mainstream journalism, pollutants and toxins in our air, food, water and medicines is to dumb us down, make us docile, sick, dependent and stuck in the matrix of their tyranny. The Endgame turns the World Upside Down. Seems this is a highly edited video interview, for whatever reason. They hate that your families love you and that you care about others so deeply. CDC Chief Redfield in Hot-Seat Over Exaggerated Covid-19 Predictions and Agency Performance, NOT ADDING UP: France’s Earlier Detection of COVID-19 Raises Questions on Global Origin, Trump Says Putin and XJP are Smarter than Unfit Biden. That’s how much effort it requires for evil to have an advantage. They need to normalize their satanism. There are, however, a multitude of problems related to this immediate, push-back reaction of anger. Let’s break down some of the possibilities of why she’s wearing this cross. We’ll know the liars and the fools who try to deny this isn’t an upside-down cross, or that such a symbol isn’t necessarily satanic. The Watcher Files - Exposing aliens, reptilians, humans who are possessed and controlled by them, government black operations, aliens, ufos, the secret government and much more! Is it Melinda Gates’ turn to be the victim? The Upside; Sex & Love; Family; Style; Home; Travel; Things To Do at the Shore; Food; Health; Real Estate; El Inquirer Please provide as much detail as possible with your request. As a Thought Leader, he has spoken publicly internationally at numerous forums, published in over 10 languages, his conceptual and ideological frameworks, approaches to branding and aesthetics have influenced others in his field. This raises big questions like we’ve said. ), nevertheless these kinds of obvious provocations both ‘never cease to amaze’, and yet also raise some very serious questions. Yes it starts with wanting us to think that the way things are, are how they’ve always been, we just now have more technology. IT risk (or cyber risk) arises from the potential that a threat may exploit a vulnerability to breach security and cause harm. They hate that you find happiness in love, in children, in friends, that your creative labor is meaningful. Q. Sgt. Did You Know? They know it deep down inside, and they are terrified. Candor definition is - unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness. So they double-down on their commitment to bring as much pain and suffering as possible into the world. This is part of their lie. Arthritis has been around since ancient times. That’s how weak these pitiful, impoverished, bottom feeders are. There is more evil right now than at any other time because the satanists have been working to manifest and conjure it for some time. Anger researcher Ryan Martin draws from a career studying what makes people mad to explain some of the cognitive processes behind anger -- and why a healthy dose of it can actually be useful. But they edge closer to death, and they know what’s waiting. (An Examination…, Why Open System Economics Must Prevent a Closed System…, Laser Weapon Adds to Russian MiG-35’s Growing Repertoire of…, Five Main Mysteries of The Second Karabakh War, Joe Biden and the Revenge of the Behaviorists (Why…, Xi and Putin Stand Up for Humanity at Davos: Closed vs Open…, How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of…, An OrWELLSian Purge? This is the real reason they acted like they did. This song came out the year I was raped and even though it was from the Hunger Games soundtrack it haunted me as I listened to it on my way to my “safe place.” If they can’t crack God’s chromosome code and hack into eternal life, whether through medicine, bio engineering, or uploading consciousness onto a mainframe – then their comeuppance will be had through making our lives that much shorter, that much more miserable. For whatever reason, I really wanted to be wrong about what my eyes first saw. They believed they could outsmart death without going by the rules laid out by the all powerful creator. That is the very definition of a satanist at any rate. The name Korea derives from the name Goryeo.The name Goryeo itself was first used by the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo, which was considered a great power of East Asia during its time, in the 5th century as a shortened form of its name. We are engaged in a magnificent struggle, even in our ‘poverty’ we have more riches than they will have ever have. “Holding onto anger is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” ~Unknown. Alienating a child from their parent is an act of hatred and yes your daughter will wake up to this one day. My video on PA may be of some help on youtube. And probably the key one is that almost never does it resolve the issue that gave rise to it. Why should Hillary Clinton and Marina Abramovic get all the fame and scare all the children? Learn more about the Will this be more ‘online hate from white supremacist nazi Trump supporters? So they double-down on their commitment to bring as much pain and suffering as possible into the world. Why H.G. Teacher 'fears he'll be killed' as anger continues over Muhammad cartoon A TEACHER accused of showing a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad in lessons fears he … That’s how weak evil is. They are not above you, just look at them deteriorate and age. She’s off, am I right? It takes all of us to help change these acts of lies, ignorance, abuse, racism, discrimination and horrific murders. for real? 16. Get real time updates directly on you device, subscribe now. They will then mock the reaction from people whose eyes and hearts are a tad more open, or whose memories work, or who understand how to process information. Have Focus on the Family resources helped you or your family? I am feeling that maybe this anger and unjust actions of people are needed to be seen and acknowledged to, hopefully, get people to help each other, whether it being family, friend, neighbor, coworker, classmate or stranger. PERFECT BLUE: MAL Rating: 8.4/10 As the name suggests, “this anime is Perfect”! Say it With Me: I am Not Your Human Guinea Pig, From the ER to the Classroom – Citizens Want Covid-19 Policies to be Science…, New NORAD Warfare Strategies and Canada’s Role in the Great…, The Scientific (and Political) Hoax of Darwinism, Navalny Unlimited: Strange Revelations in Berlin’s…, A CRITICAL LETTER TO FORT RUSS NEWS READERS, Russia Allocates Over $1 Billion For Syria’s Reconstruction…, TIT FOR TAT: China Passes Law Restricting Sensitive…, JOHNSON: ‘Britain Will Take Back Full Control From…, Who is Creating a New Chinese Boogey Man? Turn your angry mouth upside down and watch the happy mouth fill. One moment, I was watching my shows on Netflix, or mindlessly watching YouTube, or contemplating what new gadget I should buy. IT risk management applies risk management methods to IT to manage IT risks. Because their Satanic belief system demands they be increasingly public about who they are and their aims. When the Chariot appears upside down in your reading, it can be a sign that you lost your determination and willingness. The scam part is not only the other half that’s fatal, but that if they were really serious about the decent half, they with all their money and power could have effected those changes already (legislation to support mothers, paid medical leave, etc.). All rights reserved. Interesting, Brian … probably setting the stage for Veep Throat to take center stage when they can absolutely, positively not hide the fact any longer that China Joe can barely tie his shoelaces of … Go deeper into fascinating topics with original video series from TED. While we’d imagine that everyone closely involved such as Melinda Gates is ‘in on this’ Moloch/Beezelbub/Satan/Lucifer trip to some degree insofar as she’d know what her husband is up to, and would know why they had their employee take the fall for the pedophile child pornography coming into their home through the dark web. A big part of that trolling would be to cause hate against her, another emotion that feeds them. How to use candor in a sentence. © TED Conferences, LLC. The reversed Chariot tarot card can indicate failure, defeat, and a lack of control. https://www.facebook.com/rickroll548Reddit AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/mx53y/i_am_youtube_user_cotter548_aka_the_inventor_of/As long … Is this more ‘basket of deplorables’ provocation? Safe and Sound – Taylor Swift. Posted Apr 02, 2013 Children have been  taught the ‘evil’ version of history, focusing on wars instead of the long periods of relative peace over centuries and centuries. The capitalist, consumerist marketing is 24 hours a day, it’s vibrating through the air. Consider that by now they had hoped to conquer death through the wonders of their narcissistic (mis)anthropocentric science. All Rights Reserved. 15. I spent a number of hours last night watching the two interviews that Melinda Gates gave last weekend. They think themselves free of the constraints of morality that hold us silly good people back. Granted, if we look at all the circumstantial and direct evidence, she’s a confirmed Satanist (or similar). Maintain contact no matter how minimal. I remember, no one is there to judge me except my own presence. ! I’ve linked the better quality one below. In fact, arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States. The results of the U.S. trial of this vaccine came in today exactly where you'd have expected them to, given the performance of the vaccine in the United Kingdom. Did you lose the will to go on? They are wrong. I know it’s a trick, that’s why we need militant love. 15 Relatable Songs About PTSD That’ll Help You Overcome It #1. And yet we are still fighting it. So let’s cut against that – If you look at the things she’s actually saying, half of it is not only not objectionable, it’s actually quite good. Watch it on 1080 so you too can see this isn’t a trick of light, photoshop, or otherwise an optical illusion. They are weaker and angrier at God than ever before. Let’s leave aside what a friendly interview this is, or how exactly it’s Melinda telling us when there’s going to be a vaccine and who will have to take it. About scaring children, causing fear seems to be part of their belief system. The third glared as if in anger at the thought of an alternative. you are subject to judgment! Educated at California State University, Los Angeles, in the field of International Relations, he previously served as Chief Negotiator and Internal Organizer in several jurisdictions for the SEIU labor union in California. Understand that you are only hurting yourself. — is affected by arthritis. Hey guys perroperro here, im hosting a constructed tournament on foundry this sunday at 17 cet. 1. But if attacked, we take aim and fire with thoughts of humility, pity, forgiveness, and love. In other words, it raises some epistemological questions. Share your story here and inspire others today! First of all, to be clear – no this is not Photo Shopped. Now paint a happy mouth on the other half. It’s an understanding that I created everything that I’ve experienced in my life – good, bad, sad, happy, anger, pain, joy, suffering etc etc… I created everything. The ITV cold case drama has returned for a fourth season. TED.com translations are made possible by volunteer Well, on some level, sure, but …. Flores has appeared regularly on Iran’s ‘PressTV’ and Russia’s ‘RT’ news to share his expert opinion and analysis on current geopolitical matters. That help can come in a variety of forms—wise grief quotes, quotes about gratitude, a virtual hug, or even a simple kind word from a stranger. FLORES: How Can the Deep State’s Antifa Organization Be Stopped? ... There’s rarely an upside in asking pointed questions to a young, nervous, highly sympathetic witness. We should pity them and their souls, anger and hate only feeds their team. I spent a number of hours last night watching the two interviews that Melinda Gates gave last weekend. They know it deep down inside, and they are terrified. Just why exactly is Melinda Gates wearing a Satanic upside-down crucifix over last weekend’s round of MSM interviews? Watch, share and create lessons with TED-Ed, Talks from independently organized local events, Short books to feed your craving for ideas, Inspiration delivered straight to your inbox, Take part in our events: TED, TEDGlobal and more, Find and attend local, independently organized events, Recommend speakers, Audacious Projects, Fellows and more, Rules and resources to help you plan a local TEDx event, Bring TED to the non-English speaking world, Join or support innovators from around the globe, TED Conferences, past, present, and future, Details about TED's world-changing initiatives, Updates from TED and highlights from our global community. Computer security is the protection of IT systems by managing IT risks. Wearing upside down crosses? Sign up here to get the latest news, updates and special offers delivered directly to your inbox. That would lead to articles like this being published. No one concerned about her connection to pizzagate and ritualized cannibalism was interviewed, it was Abramovic the victim. Also on divisiveness, this is about being so public about it that it causes secular liberals, those naive empiricists, those extreme Popperian positivists, to act like no single fact can ever be connected to other facts and extenuating circumstances. Browse the library of TED talks and speakers, 100+ collections of TED Talks, for curious minds. They think you are naive, foolish, slaves to your God. When Krushna Abhishek Roasted John Abraham’s Acting & The Satyameva Jayate Actor Walked Off In Anger The incident stems back to 2016 when Krushna Abhishek was a … Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data. That doesn’t mean we don’t defend ourselves by any means necessary. "Your anger exists in you ... because it offered your ancestors, both human and nonhuman, an evolutionary advantage," he says. 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